Thursday, July 30, 2009

Harry Potter at Midnight

I promised Brandon that THIS year we would see the Harry Potter movie on it's opening NIGHT. We got our tickets a week ahead....ALL the theaters were SOLD OUT the night of the event and 1000's of people showed up to view the newest movie, The Half Blood Prince!
Brandon and I arrived an hour and a hal
f early and already the parking lot and surrounding lots were full. We ended up parking in the mall across the street. There were festively dressed and costumed patrons getting into the spirit of the movie, radio stations giving away stickers and prizes and plenty of younger and older patrons just patiently waiting for their number to be called so that they could enter the theater.

We missed our number being called so we got into the theater a full 15 minutes after they opened the doors. All the upper seats were filled and we sat in the 2nd row from the front. Waiting for over an hour and daring not to leave our seats for fear of not getting them back, Brandon and I played games on my itouch. Scrabble kept us busy and listening to the conversations around us kept us wanting for the movie to start even sooner.

The movie did start after about 20 more minutes of technical difficulties, but it pleased all the viewers who oooh'ed, ahhh'ed, and boooo'd their favorite characters. Not as detailed as the book, the movie left much out, but it's viewers who have grown up with the cast of main characters, were just as excited by the personification of their favorite book series brought to life on the big screen.

With the wow factor of the midnight premiere and a special evening spent with my ever growing-older son, it's a memory I won't soon forget! I had a blast!

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