Friday, February 29, 2008

Turn your Blog into a real BOOK

A girlfriend just emailed me the neatest link. allows you to put your BLOG into a BOOK.  OK, how cool is that?  It has free software associated with a free account.  You just pay for the actual books.  I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like FUN!

Brandon's Art Brick

Brandon: Hey MOM see what I made. Isn't it COOL!
Mom: That's wonderful Brandon, what's it made out of?
Brandon: Clay and paint, THUNK (as he puts it on the table)
Mom: WOW that's heavy!
Brandon: See there's even a hole in the back so you can hang it up.
Mom: Gee, that's G-R-EAT....We'll have to find a spot for it in the Next house.
Brandon: OK (as he dashes out of the room to play)

As a MOM, everything is precious from clay painted brick masks to the coating of orange, blue and purple paint that now lines his brand new shirt that he wore to school this morning.

Hmm, ok perhaps precious and another 'p'd' word as well. But I smile because when I look at this precious little brick I'm reminded of Brandon's heart and his ever present enthusiasm for life. The shirt, well it's replaceable, but this square-toothed hand-carved smile on the brick...not so much. I would give a 1000's shirts for that outlook every day of my life! Love you kid! You made your Mom's day!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Do you really want to know?

Crime in Rochester

A while ago I found this website that depicts the crime in Rochester by address.
Initially I was anxious about putting in my address.  Did I really want to know what goes on in my neighbors houses?  Well, you guessed it, I'm TOO NOSY ...not to find out!

If your in the Rochester area and want to be nosy too, the 'Crime in Rochester' title will take you to the link.

Not too bad on my street, but I really like living here, so it's all good!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rocks Jewlz for all Seasons

The Rock Crystal I got today in the Twin Cities was SO GORGEOUS I had to spend the evening creating.  Here is a sneak peak at what will soon be up on the website for sale....


Just Yummy!  Oh, and way FRESH!  Luv it!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What could be better?

Ahhh, Calgon took me away today!  (Ok, ok, technically it was Dene, but same concept!)

My GRL-friend and I went skipping out of town soon after the little munchkins went to school and spent the day chatting about politics, theology, friendships, relationships and family while driving to the cities.  Upon our arrival a plethora of gemstones (straight from the international gem show in Tuscan, AZ) met us with glimmers, glitz, ooohs and ahhhs that only a 'beader' could understand.  We spent hours developing designs in our heads while we touched the gems and picked up and put down many due to the increase in price.   The big find for the day for me was a table complete with oodles of ROCK Crystal.  
Can you say WOW!  They were like rough little drops of ice.  Some even had facets making them stunningly attractive in the light.  So watch out clients, new designs will be adorning the website soon!!!  THEY are just too HOT and cool looking to resist making something from them VERY SOON!

After our HIGH in the beading store Dene spotted a Baja SOL and I made a 'v' line for this awesome restaurant complete with Fish-Tacco menu and Salsa bar.
  The spicy food and divine pungency of the onions cut right through my headcold and made my day!

Is there anything better than a 'girlday' with a mexican lunch, no kids, no husbands, and NO interruptions?  NO WAY!  Thank you Dene!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ode to Chocolate Mint Cheesecake Bars

Stephanie A. you're the-BOMB!  

Steph graced our house yesterday with the most divine dessert bars I have EVER had.  They are so unbelievably scrumptious I HAD to share the recipe!  Watch out you WONT want to SHARE them! :)

Chocolate Mint Cheesecake Bars

2 cups finely crushed creme-filled chocolate sandwich cookie crumbs (about 24 cookies)

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, melted

1 (8 oz) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated milk)

2 eggs

1 Tbsp. peppermint extract

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (I used milk chocolate because that's what we had!)

1 package chocolate mint candies, chopped

1.  Preheat oven to 325*  In medium bowl, combine cookie crumbs and butter; mix well.  Press crumb mixture firmly on bottom of 13x9 baking pan.  Bake 6 min.  Cool.

2.  In medium bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy.  Gradually beat in sweetened condensed milk, eggs, and peppermint extract until smooth.  Pour over cooled cookie base and bake for 25 to 30 min.  Cool completely.

3.  In heavy saucepan, melt chocolate chips and drizzle over the top of the bars.  Sprinkle chopped chocolate mint candies over the top.  Cut into bars.  Store leftovers covered in refrigerator.

Makes:  1 1/2 to 2 dozen bars.

Enjoy every bite!

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Table of Contention

Tyler made me laugh the other day after school.
He’s working away at his homework and every time he went to answer a question and put his pencil to paper the table would go, “Clunk, Clunk” as it rocked back and forth on two legs. (we recently took the leaf out which stabilized the table).

So after about the 5th time of the table rocking back and forth he gets up with a big “URG” and grabs two WADS of paper towel. He then proceeds to lift the table with his back and shove the paper towel under both legs in turn. All satisfied with his fix he wipes his hands together with a big smile on his face and sits back down to finish his homework. The moment he put his elbows on the table you could hear a soft, “bump, bump” and he says, “Well at least it’s quiet enough to get my homework done NOW!”
I laughed so hard my side nearly split!

When we were little we had an antique kitchen table with so many ‘isms’ that they were too numerous to count. One ism was the fact that every time you touched the table it rocked back and forth like an old annoying restaurant table. My father made us eat with our elbows off the table to avoid any of the rocking and my Mother tried not to fix anything for dinner that required a steak knife. Just think if of it, 5 people with steak knives pushing down on the table at different times. It was like eating on a seesaw!

So when my dear son came up with his wad of paper towel I just laughed at my own childhood and wished I had his bravery and ingenuity. I might have learned how to use a steak knife before the age of 15 if I HAD!

Go Tyler!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Grandma Margaret’s Pork Chops and Potatoes

Grandma Margaret’s Pork Chops and Potatoes

 6-8 bone-in pork chops

6-8 potatoes

4tbs butter

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of celery soup

½ can water


Original Cooking method uses a Cast Iron Dutch Oven on a stovetop.

Crock pot or deep stock pot works too!


Caramelize 6 bone-in Pork Chops in 2tbs butter on both sides in the bottom of deep pan on med-high heat.

Meanwhile peel 6-8 potatoes and slice thick. Rinse.

Remove Pork Chops and set aside.

Caramelize outsides of potatoes by adding 2tbs butter to stock pot and stirring constantly until potatoes have a golden glaze from the left over pork chop bits and butter.

Reduce heat to low.

Add pork chops back into pot.

Add 1 can cream of mushroom soup

Add 1 can cream of celery soup

Add ½ can water


Cover stock pot and let simmer for several hours on low or transfer stock pot contents (with all the bits at the bottom) to crock pot on low setting.

 That’s it.  Simple Easy, and YUMMY!

 For you campers, this meal works well over a fire in a Dutch oven.

To clean Dutch oven, remove all food, tip upside down on fire and let the fire consume any remaining organic matter in the pot.  Rinse with water and wipe dry.


Optional add ins:

Cooked Bacon Bits

Green Beans

Cream of Chicken may be substituted for Cream of Mushroom for picky eaters


Sunday, February 10, 2008

How COLD can you go?

Dew Point: -16
Wind Chill: -40
Humidity: 70
Wind: 30 WNW
Barometer: 30.20
Visibility: 1.25 mi.
Precip: 0.00 in.

In Minnesota, it's not how LOW you can's how COLD can you go!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ice Ferns

I awoke this morning to the most beautiful sight.  There were thick fern-like crystals covering the trees in the grandest of fashions! 
First I took a few pictures, then I did a little digging to see what these gorgeous wintertime wonders were called.   I found out that they are called Hoarfrost.

Dew and hoarfrost accumulate on objects when there is more moisture in the air than the air can carry. If, when air is cooled down, it contains enough water to cause the dew point to be above freezing, then dew forms. But if the air is sufficiently dry that the dew point is below 0°C (32°F), then hoarfrost forms.

Say it with me now....ooooohhh, aaaaahhhh, ooooooooooooooh.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

God's marvelous Glory revealed in the everyday ordinary life and observation of Michelle Noffze.  Who knew? :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Please Pray

A new friend of mine named Jill was stricken over the weekend with intense pain in her abdomen.  If you could please keep her in your prayers this week as she undergoes tests and possible surgery.  I adore her dearly and it grieves me to see her in so much pain.
Thank you friends and family for being such prayer warriors with us!