Friday, February 29, 2008

Brandon's Art Brick

Brandon: Hey MOM see what I made. Isn't it COOL!
Mom: That's wonderful Brandon, what's it made out of?
Brandon: Clay and paint, THUNK (as he puts it on the table)
Mom: WOW that's heavy!
Brandon: See there's even a hole in the back so you can hang it up.
Mom: Gee, that's G-R-EAT....We'll have to find a spot for it in the Next house.
Brandon: OK (as he dashes out of the room to play)

As a MOM, everything is precious from clay painted brick masks to the coating of orange, blue and purple paint that now lines his brand new shirt that he wore to school this morning.

Hmm, ok perhaps precious and another 'p'd' word as well. But I smile because when I look at this precious little brick I'm reminded of Brandon's heart and his ever present enthusiasm for life. The shirt, well it's replaceable, but this square-toothed hand-carved smile on the brick...not so much. I would give a 1000's shirts for that outlook every day of my life! Love you kid! You made your Mom's day!

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