Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Here and there and Everywhere!

This week Pearl has been dashing us here there and everywhere! Tyler has been attending a community education Art classes on different art mediums this week. He's been having a great time learning new things and practicing all KINDs of new art techniques. Right up his alley!

On the flip side Brandon has golf lessons with a golf pro this week. Matt (the golf pro) has a great ability to teach children. Today Brandon and Matt worked on form, stance, grip, and lots of practice. Golf balls were sure flying! (all straight and far of course!)

Both boys have been so happy to do something other than unpack, clean, and organize!
It's such a blessing to watch each child develop in their special areas of talents and interests.

New Du

Cole finally got a new hair du after a month of waiting lists at the grooming salons! No more girly pig tale ears. No more long straggly leg and belly hair. He actually looks rather dashing in his new tuxedo hair du!

Now if we could only get him to stop drooling!

Goes with the dog- territory I suppose...
ya got ta love him!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Which Disney Princess are YOU?

Thank you B. Smith for this inspiring look into my alter ego! I just got done watching Disney's Enchanted and listening to, "How do you know."
Which Disney Princess am I?

You Are Snow White!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Pure and trusting. You are a gentle soul who can get along with just about anyone. Everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you. How can they resist? You have a pure, lovable nature that's irresistable. Just don't trust everyone who comes across your path.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ty's new room

Tyler's NEW room...from his eye to yours....enjoy the perspective!

my OH my Mary!

Mary Mary quite contrary second verse same as the first!

Things just keep showing up in my garden. Every week there is a new color a new delicacy, a new burst of North Dakota to entice us to come outside and ENJOY!

This week there are even MORE things I need help to identify. There are blue, orange, white, purple, red and yellow things popping up everywhere! I’m going to need a horticulture class just to keep up with all the naming games!

Same verse same as the first post, if you know the name of these, can you email me? I’m in need of some serious googling!

1. Hydrangea

2. Hosta
3. ?Flower
4. Blue Clips Bellflower
5. Gaillardia, Dazzler

6. Roses!
7. ?Flower
8. ???
9. ???
Please help stop the madness and fill in the gaps of our horticulture knowledge!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mom's MiniVan Games

For those of you who travel with kids to far-away family.  This post is for you!
Our local Fargo paper had an article with games in it that kids could play while traveling in the car.  They sighted a website as their source, so being the nosy-mom-blogger that I am, I hopped on my laptop and went to it.

It's CHUCK FULL of all kinds of fun and interesting things for kids to do.  Granted not all kids are into every activity, but there are so many to choose from, surely even the pickiest down-turned mouth youngster would like at least one of them!

Just thought I'd share....ENJOY!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Impressively Simple Move

I have finally finished the NEW studio...take a peek!


Mini mi's

Have you ever created a ‘mi’?
It’s a wii version of yourself to play the games with!
The boys and Mom and Dad had a BLAST creating wii’s this week.
Brandon and Tyler created my Mom and Dad’s wii’s then my parents turned around and created wii’s of my aunt and uncle. It was hilarious to watch them put new noses on and different eyeglasses and hairstyles...what a hoot!

(Aunt Judy ^)

(Uncle Chuck ^)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Good News The Furnature is ORDERED!

The Good news is that I finally for once in my life got to order furniture. I'm really excited about what I found:

Of course these are NOT the upholstery colors, but the bad news is
It will take over 3 months to get it!
zso for now....card table and chairs will just have to do! :) I'm STILL WAY HAPPY!