Monday, October 20, 2008

Lovely, just Lovely

All the fun’s over and now it’s just time to rest.

We had a busy week of friends, football, and partying, but we are paying the price today.

4am, “MOM!!!! HELP!!!”

“What, hugh, Tyler?”

“I didn’t make it”

“Didn’t make what?”

“I didn’t make it to the bathroom”

“Bathroom, OH NO, where is it?”

“One’s in the bedroom and one’s in the billiard room.”

Mom, “Lovely, I’ll be down in a minute.”

Low and behold the child’s previous nights dinner of pizza and pop was lovely splayed all over and smelled oh so delicious just before dawn.

Out came the paper towels, carpet cleaner, and rags.

Tyler went back to bed with a bowl neatly placed by his side. Mom cleaned up and went to bed just as the crack of dawn hit the horizon.


“I don’t feel so good.”

Mom, “do you need to stay home?”

“Yeah, I puked like 4 times since I went back to bed”

Mom, “Did you make it?”

“Yeah, I made it.”

Mom, (thank GOD), “Go back to bed honey, and I’ll call the school.”

Mom, feeling a little queazy herself, calls the school, leaves a message and goes back to bed.

“Mom, I don’t feel so good.”

Mom, “Do you think you can make it at school?”

Brandon, “Yeah, it’s not THAT bad.” “Oh, and the dog’s licking the carpet down here.”

Mom, “NO WAY, C-O-L-E!”

Up the stairs comes the dog licking his chops.....YUCK!

“In the bathroom, Cole!”

I take Brandon to school, leave the dog quarantined, and go back to bed feeling sick to my stomach.

12pm, retching sounds coming from the bathroom. I open the door and rush the dog outside. A lovely sight beholds my eyes, but at least it was in the grass. I return the dog to the bathroom quarantine area and go back to bed with my stomach doing flip flops.

2pm, phone rings

“Mrs Noffze?”


“This is Mr Olsen from Cheney Middle School. Brandon wasn’t feeling very well and didn’t quite make it to the bathroom in time. The office is working on his sweatshirt which took the brunt of it, but his pants look pretty bad as well.”

Mom, “Is he in the nurses office?”

“Yes, but the nurse has gone home sick with the mornings wave of retching children.”

Mom, “I’ll be there as soon as I can get my stomach under control. This is Family member number 4, down for the count.”

“Ok, he’ll be waiting for you in the nurses office, and the office staff will keep an eye on him till then.”

Lovely way to start the week, right? For all you Mom’s out there who’ve had the wonderful pleasure of experiencing this in your own households, a shout out for your Resolve!

Now...back to the bathroom!


Rachel said...

I hope you guys all feel better...that is like that WORST kind of sick! Ugh...been there done that!

Rachel said...

I hope you guys all feel better...that is like that WORST kind of sick! Ugh...been there done that!

Hanne said...

I am sorry to hear you are sick! We were fighting it yesterday, I never actually got SICK, but it was a close call all day. Kevin also had to keep the didn't though! I am soo happy about that!
Get better soon!