Thursday, October 25, 2007

A day in the life....

I rarely clean the boys room soon-to-be 11 and  8 they gratefully still share a room and it's responsibilities until we move.  I went in there the other day to bring out the winter clothes from the top of their closet and was amazed at what I saw!  The books were put away neatly on their shelves, the guitar was serenely propped up against a wall.  All of the boys traditionally messy 'treasures' were stored away in their Ikea 'treasure keeper'.  WOW, what a proud MOM I was!  Then I began to linger around the room and take note of how much has changed in the past 5 years living here in Rochester, MN. 

When we moved to Rochester, 'lil Ty was 3 and Brandon was just starting Kindergarden.  Eric Carle and Sandra Boynton were my boys favorite authors with books like, Very Hungry Caterpillar and Barn Yard Dance.  Now, my dear boys have grown up and as I look around the room I notice just how much has changed.  There are awards and prize-winning footballs on the shelves, sports illustrated stacks on the dresser, a grown-up daily 'to-do' list laying out and the selection of books has
 also progressed.  With titles like Hugo Cabret, Pearl Harbor, American History and The Dangerous Book for Boys, I 
 just sat in awe of how much they have grown up in this little house.  

Big changes are in the pipeline for us, both on the growing-up front and on the 'relocation' front.  This little house full of  memories will be in the past and new and challenging things are soon around the corner.  I just sat there, laid back on the floor and stared up at the boys bedroom celling.  With pirate ships whirling overhead and Peyton Manning posters looking down at me, I started to pray.  

Lord, bless my boys with Your Eternal presence.  Walk by their side, hold their hand when I can not.  Be, oh Gracious Lord, an ever-present constant in their lives, leading them on Your path for their life as you promised in Jeremiah 29-11.  Help them to be contributing members of society and of Eternity.  IJNIP Amen.

...Things are moving so fast.  Our world is an international jaunt between the past and the future. Hopping from place to place, here and there, meeting all kinds of new people and exploring new places, but as I lie there on my boys floor praying for them, I felt peace.  I was no longer the women flying from place to place every weekend, but I was grounded in my God and in my life, knowing that indeed God does have a plan for us, for our future and I had hope that at the end of the interviews and the journey we would end up exactly where we supposed to, following His lead.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for a future and a hope.  Jeremiah 29-11

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