Sunday, August 26, 2007

Oh Brother...

Brotherhood lays the foundation for collaboration and teamwork...Charles & William Mayo

...What will these brothers do?

I found myself looking at my two growing boys this weekend and wondering just what they will be when they grow up.....What kind of fathers will they be.....What careers will they pursue to provide for their family.  There is contentment in my heart that they will grow up to be great men at whatever they do because they are being taught by their gracious father.  When I look at the three of them I feel very blessed to be apart of this family and to be given such a gracious gift of love in each and every one of them.


[dene'] said...

What a cute picture of the boys. I can't believe how big they are getting. No doubt they will be great men.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live said...

I know! They are quickly approaching shoulder height. What I can't believe is when we started this 'schooling' journey they weren't even BORN yet and we are finally finishing! It seem like so short a time, yet, if you look at the boys you realize just how long this journey has been and how much we have ALL grown throughout that time. :)
Noffze life lessons 101:
In life, Enjoy every moment of your never know what you'll miss out on if you spend your energy 'waiting for the end' to come.