Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Comedy Night at the Petco

I saw a guy today going through Petco looking rather suspicious. He had a box stuffed under his arm and he was going from isle to isle. He would walk behind people like he was going to talk to them, then he’d shake his head and keep moving through the isles.
I was looking diligently all over the store for something my trainer had seen in the store so I had bumped into this guy several times.The guy didn’t look scary. He had dark hair, medium build, 40 something, nice coat and sneakers on. The only thing peculiar was his behavior and the strange box under his arm.

Well, finally he caught me looking at him and started walking toward me, then turned, then turned back and again approached me. I didn’t sense that he was malicious or mentally deranged so I stood my ground and welcomed him forward.

He said, “Lady, can I ask you a question? You can walk away if you want.”
I Said, “Yes, go ahead.”He pulls out the box from under his arm and covers it while opening the top just a smidge. He then pulls out one of the contents, but only enough for me to see the very corner of it.

He said, “This box of 10 is $8. Is there any chance I can get the same thing at the grocery store for less? My dog is in heat.”

I smiled, but tried to keep my giggle bottled up until he had left.

I simply replied, “Yes, you will want the Stay Free brand, and the overnights would probably be best for her.”

He replied, “Will the ones at the store still have this sticky thing on one side?” (they fit inside an underwear type doggie pant as pictured on the box under his arm)

I replied, “Yes, they will look just like those, and they won’t irritate her skin like the plastic ones.”

He hurriedly closed the box and put it back on the shelf while saying, “thanks lady!” as he passed me to hurry out of the store.

I now had my back to him and just couldn’t contain my amused silent laughter. I quietly chuckled. Poor guy didn’t have a clue!
Ahh...... the Lord must have really enjoyed looking down on “comedy night at the Petco!”

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