Sunday, November 9, 2008

BOYS Weekend!

Oh my goodness, we had the best time!
Friday both boys were given our family business cards to give out to one friend at school that they wanted to spend the night. Each friend then gave the business card to their parents and were instructed to have THEM call us.

Friday after school no calls came. The boys were getting antsy finishing up their homework and finally the phone rang. It was Tyler’s friend Achilles. His mother was hesitant to let Achilles spend the night because he had never done that with a friend before. I told her it was our first time too! She agreed to come over and meet us and let Achilles play for a while before she made any final decisions. Cautious, Gotta admire that in a parent! A little while longer the doorbell rings and in comes Achilles with his Mom. We greet each other and start chatting in the foyer. Achilles asks his Mom if they can go to Tyler's room and play. She speaks to him in Greek and then says in English, “have fun”. Achilles was TOO CUTE, he responds back to her in English saying, “See, I told you there wasn’t any drugs here Mom, this is TYLER's HOUSE!” (as if the mere mention of his name should explain everything)

Her face flushes as she explains that they are from Canada and have strong Greek roots. They are just getting used to American culture and she had said to Achilles when he inquired about WHY she had to go in with him. “I just want to make sure they aren’t druggies or weirdo's or anything.” Well it seems as though we passed the Canadian, Greek, Newly American test and Achilles got to spend the night.

Meanwhile...Brandon’s friend Davis calls. His mom had been to our house before to drop off Brandon, so Davis got to spend the night too!

Four boys, two clueless parents, one dog and a whole night of fun!

First we had pizza together and listened to all the boy chatter going around the table. We talked about all the gross stuff we had ever eaten, all the scary movies we had ever watched, all the funny stuff you see people doing in their cars (eating their boogers) and the like. It was quite entertaining to see them go on and on about all the stuff that goes on in a boys mind. Our two are pretty quiet compared to FOUR boys with limitless imagination frenzied potential!

After dinner the boys played while I cleaned up the dinner mess, then we all piled into the theater room and watched Indiana Jones and the Crystal Scull. The boys were awed by the big screen and comfy chairs. It was fun to watch them make animals, monsters, and hero poses against the blank screen as they waited for the movie to start. During the movie their was constant chatter like, ‘did you see that’ ‘the part that comes next’ ‘oh man, and holy cow!’ reactions.
All in all, it was an entertaining movie, but the boys said the book was better of course!

NExt up was popcorn, Legos and a ‘wii’-off until after midnight. They got along great and had such a good time! At 12:30pm it was our ‘deal’ that lights would be out and they could still talk, but they had to try and sleep till morning.

At about 9am we heard the first one’s get up, soon to be followed by the second pair and then it was time to make waffles. It’s our Saturday tradition, of course! The older boys whisked their way to the perfect waffles while the younger boys stayed on the lower level as long as possible to get out of any domestic work. Having just completed Home Ec, Davis and Brandon proudly called everyone together to sample their culinary delights. They made remarkably GOOD waffles! Kudos to you boys!

Alas, I was again saddled with the dishes as the boys raided the ‘winter wear’ drawer and outfitted their friends with the most fashionable Fargonian attire. I didn’t mind because I got such a kick out of seeing all four boys rolling around in the snow as the dog chased them down to play. There was only about an inch of snow, but the boys made the best of it and played outside for nearly an hour.

Hot chocolate was waiting for them as they shivered in from the 30 degree temps. Apparently we needed to invest in some snow-pants because their little legs were just frozen! A little stint by the fire and they were thawed enough to pack up their things, clean up their toys and head for home.

What a BLAST we had! Now the boys beg the question, ‘when can we do it again!’
As a well seasoned Mother, I simply reply, “soon boys....soon.”


Hanne said...

you have got to be the most fun mom there is! Can I come for a sleepover too? I absolutely love reading your blog! You seem to take such pleasure in the simple things, which is the way life should be! You are my role model for how to live life!


Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live said...

Thank you!
You hit the nail on the head. I DO enjoy the impressively simple things in life! God has given us so many amazing things here on earth to explore, see, wonder at and enjoy. Isn't HE amazing!

And YES! We'd love to have you for a sleepover! :) What a BLAST that would be!

Happy wondering!