Thursday, February 28, 2008

Do you really want to know?

Crime in Rochester

A while ago I found this website that depicts the crime in Rochester by address.
Initially I was anxious about putting in my address.  Did I really want to know what goes on in my neighbors houses?  Well, you guessed it, I'm TOO NOSY ...not to find out!

If your in the Rochester area and want to be nosy too, the 'Crime in Rochester' title will take you to the link.

Not too bad on my street, but I really like living here, so it's all good!


Jen said...

Thanks Michelle, this is awesome. Good info. What a great site. Jen

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live said...

It was fun to type in friends addresses, but when I typed in the Mayo Clinic address, well, I wasn't quite prepared for all the symbols that popped up. Ya just never know!