Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What could be better?

Ahhh, Calgon took me away today!  (Ok, ok, technically it was Dene, but same concept!)

My GRL-friend and I went skipping out of town soon after the little munchkins went to school and spent the day chatting about politics, theology, friendships, relationships and family while driving to the cities.  Upon our arrival a plethora of gemstones (straight from the international gem show in Tuscan, AZ) met us with glimmers, glitz, ooohs and ahhhs that only a 'beader' could understand.  We spent hours developing designs in our heads while we touched the gems and picked up and put down many due to the increase in price.   The big find for the day for me was a table complete with oodles of ROCK Crystal.  
Can you say WOW!  They were like rough little drops of ice.  Some even had facets making them stunningly attractive in the light.  So watch out clients, new designs will be adorning the www.impressivelysimple.com website soon!!!  THEY are just too HOT and cool looking to resist making something from them VERY SOON!

After our HIGH in the beading store Dene spotted a Baja SOL and I made a 'v' line for this awesome restaurant complete with Fish-Tacco menu and Salsa bar.
  The spicy food and divine pungency of the onions cut right through my headcold and made my day!

Is there anything better than a 'girlday' with a mexican lunch, no kids, no husbands, and NO interruptions?  NO WAY!  Thank you Dene!


[dene'] said...

ANY TIME, ANY PLACE! I had a GREAT time too! You're awesome and I LOVE what your creative mind has produced!

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live said...

OK, your ON!

A year from now:

Hello, this is Michelle from half way across the continent. Can you meet me for lunch at Ba Ja and we'll go Beading.

Dene: You want to WHAT from WHERE? :)

should be fun!