Thursday, January 28, 2010

Old Lahaina Luau

The setting was right on the beach, complete with a very old banyon tree, and waves crashing in the background. It was breathtaking as the sun set beyond the waters edge and turned the sky the color of the orchids around our neck. The Polenesian culture is amazing and I have really enjoyed getting to know their culture and thier heritidge. The dances were mezmorizing and so full of expression. The men and women who performed them had such passion and conviction. I wish we could bring all of you to this magical island where the banyon trees are larger than buildings, the mountains are untouched by humand hands, and where the whales come to calve their young. Each day offers a new wonder, each turn of your head offers a new color, a new bit of scenery that will take your breath away, and each breath feels more alive than the one before with a sweet taste unlike anything I have ever experienced.

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