Tuesday, June 16, 2009

International Music Camp

Brandon went off to the International Peace Gardens at the border of Canada and the United States last week for Music Camp. He had such a blast. It’s run kind of like a college campus. There are Deans in each of the dorms to monitor the kids while they are there, then teachers in all of the buildings to help the students get to where they needed to go, but other than that they were handed a schedule and encouraged to enjoy their week. It was like sending your kids off to college at the age of 12! EEek!

Of course he did great, and so did Mom in case you were wondering. He learned 6 new pieces of music in 6 days, had classes 6 hours each day and got up at 6:30am and went to bed at 11pm. See a trend here? He had $25 to spend during the week at the gift shop and he spent all 25 on candy, chips, and pop. (Can you tell he doesn’t get much junk food at home?!!!)

We went to the Peace Gardens to pick him up last Saturday and they had a wonderful series of concerts for us from the kids hard work over the week. There was a Orchestra concert, two band concerts, a choral concert, and several individual performers in a variety concert. What a beautiful time we had listening to all that budding talent. In fact I made a remark to Brandon that THIS concert sounded better than the end of year concert at his school. He said “it aught to, we spent 6 hours a day just learning the music and the rest of the day playing it!” :)

One camp down, one to go! Tyler’s next with Lutheran Island Adventure-Camp in just a few short days! Ahh, to be a kid again! It makes ME want to go to camp!

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