Sunday, June 8, 2008

See you Later

The fact that we are leaving soon is starting to set in.  At first I said good-bye to everyone, and now I just can't bear it anymore, I have to say see-you-later.
The tears have found me as I continue to write 'see-ya' notes to everyone.  I didn't realize how much I had touched people's lives until all these stories started to pour out in the last week.  Emails from friends, well wishes from family, letters from jewelry clients, hugs and phone-calls, parties and visits....I'm overwhelmed with the outpouring of support for our next-phase in life.
I love you all and say a tear-filled thank YOU for all of your kindness and well wishes!  I will miss you all, and hope dearly that you will take us up on our offer to visit!

1 comment:

MaKayla said...


I wanted to say that I am very grateful for the blanket. I recieved in the mail on Wednesday morning before I headed down to Fort Wayne. It is beautiful. so THANK YOU! Good Bye's are hard and the only thing to do is to keep looking to the future. which is full of new adventures and new people. It is amazing how many people in our lives have stories of how we have impacted them and have truely been loved by them. Our families are so blessed to be surrounded by sooo many people who truely love us and truely wish us well. Even when we are not near in proximety you will always be in our hearts. Good Luck to you in Fargo. Give your boys (and Michael) a hug for me.

I love you guys. :)