Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today we were back at the Animal shelter and it was raining.  We walked in to an unusually quiet sounding kennel and were baffled that there wasn't the typical barking sounds.

I went in alone to get a dog to walk, and saw people in the kennels WITH the dogs and again, very little barking going on.  I asked one of the volunteers why there were orange tags on the cages.  She said it was 'alteration day'. Oooooh, OUCH!

One of the staff asked us if we would mind sitting in a kennel with the dogs who had been altered that day, (There were more than 20 done in the SAME day) so that the dogs would remain calm and have some human contact while they were recovering.  I went back out to ask the boys and they were thrilled!

Hmm, two little boys, one mom, in a dog kennel....we chose the 6 very cute 3 month old Rat Terrier puppies.  For an hour we just comforted them and tried to keep them from jumping.  Very hard to do when the puppies saw the boys.  All they wanted to do was PLAY!

It was so much fun, just cuddling the slow to recover ones, and petting their romping siblings.
The boys renamed all the puppies according to their unique personalities.  There was Westley after Westly Snipes, Dumbo with Big ears, Killer the rebel rousing dominant male, Chestnut, Frosty and George.  Just because there always has to be a George!  he he he

When it's raining buckets outside, cold as an Alaskan morning and gloomy, there is nothing like a little puppy love to bring out the FUN and warm your heart!

We had SO much fun!

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