Monday, March 10, 2008

Mom Moments

So we are at a dinner party last night and my son Brandon comes running up to me, grabs my hand and pulls me over tward a print on the wall.

He says to me: Mom, MOM they have Vincent Van gough's Starry Starry Night.
It's THE Starry, Starry NIGHT!

In short order he lets go of my hand and goes over to the painting.
He sat there studying it forever.

Like a fly on the wall, I sat back and watched Brandon get engrossed in this fascinating piece of art. I watched as his eyes followed the colorful swirling wind and his finger traced the brushstrokes.

1. He's 10
2. I taught him about the artists Vincent Van gough last year when we went to the art museum in Florida, AND HE REMEMBERED. Way cool Mom moment!
3. He knew the name of the painting and recognized it on sight.
4. He studied it, he actually took time out of the dozen children running around him and STUDIED the painting.
5. He told the hostess how much he enjoyed her painting.
6. Again, he's LIKE 10!


Lest the wonder and awe go on too long over this ponderance, as soon as the words
"X-Box 360 in the basement" were picked up by his game-radar bat ears....he was off in a dash to play with all the other children!


[dene'] said...

that's awesome. Did Tyler like it? I ask because it reminds me a little of all his pattern/maze pictures he draws.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live said...

He does like Van Gough! And your right, it DOES remind me of those mazes too!
You're So observant!