Monday, January 14, 2008

It's Race Day

The coveted Cub Scout Pine Wood Derby car race is tonight!
The boys are really into the race this year after having to miss last years race due to our 3 month rotation in Jacksonville, FL. They are all geared up for a WIN in this years race. With tons of research under their belt on kenetic energy, gravitational pull, weight distribution...and a little design help from from the Teeples family, the boys can't WAIT to see how their cars stack up against their peers. Grandma and Grandpa Noffze have gotten in on the action and are driving all the way from Indiana to watch the boys race. It should be a FUN night filled with graphite powder and screaming elementary students. Wish them luck!

Brandon's Americana Scout Vehicle

Tyler's Lizard Gremlin Vehicle


[dene'] said...


Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live said...

May I recommend the all-body decals! Cut car, sand car, dip decal in H2O, stick decal to car. LOVE IT! :)