Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Full Circle Quilts

The Noffze boys had a special summer project that came to fruition on Christmas morning. It took, ‘like forever’ in the words of Tyler, but I think it was all worth it!

Brandon and Tyler both picked out their own fabrics this summer and designed their own quilt. I dutifully cut out their pattern and sewed the tops together soon there after.

Next, I found a local quilt artisan that digitized their names and quilted their quilts with each boy’s special name. She also quilted a hidden surprise in each quilt signifying each boy’s personality. Can you guess what she quilted?
A pie, for Brandon of course, and an art-set for Tyler! How fun was that!

Well I finished binding them while the kids were at school just before Christmas and was able to finish them just in time!

They were beyond thrilled that their new quilts were done and that THEY designed them!

A heart warming full-circle gift that will keep them warm for years to come!

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