Sunday, November 25, 2007

I've been Tagged!

I've been tagged by D. Schiefer

CLOROX bleach, is there a greater smell in all the world? When I walk in my house and smell Clorox lemon scent I just FEEL clean! It's like walking though an apple orchard on a spring day with the blossoms falling like white pettily rain all around you!

I dream and dream....someday I would LOVE to go on an Alaskan whale watching cruise! Ice, the largest mammals in the world, my family around me and the beauty of Alaska as the back drop.....wanna go with me? :)

Anne Mccafrey wrote the first books I ever LOVED. I've read each one at least once. Sci-fi twists and turns with fantasy and drama mixed in for a good plot. (not for children) LOVE IT!

I can twirl a rifle and I 'used ta could' flip it in the air and behind my back. (Indiana vernacular for those family members who know what 'used ta could' means :)
I still have a long baseball bat complete with twirling tape wrapped around it in our attic from Middle School. Hmmmm, perhaps I should get it out and show the young'ns a few tricks!

My niece asked me this past week why I love snowflakes SO much...I explained to her that each snowflake is unique and different from every other snowflake. To me it's like they are God's little Picasso's falling in mass number and blanketing the earth in art and beauty. If you ever take a look at one closely, or better yet under a microscope, you see just how complex and beautiful they really are..... inexplicably intricate works of Glorious art!

Lastly, I'm a hot tub convert. When we moved into our house and found that it came with a hot tub in the back yard, I was less than thrilled. I now, however, feel differently. Each night, after my little children are in bed, the dishes are done,  I sneak to the hot-tub to take a dip.  It has become my little moment of solitude and rejuvenation after VERY full days of hustle and bustle.

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