Monday, January 18, 2010

Friends Forever Visit

My BFF from High School, Traci, came all the way to Fargo, ND to visit me last week. She endured a 10 1/2 hour delay in Chicago, lost power on all her gadgets, arrived in sub-zero temps AND they lost her luggage (which just so happened to have her coat).

Yeah, she loves me THAT MUCH! :)
For two days we trompsed around Fargo. She borrowed one of my wraps and just hung in there hoping that her luggage would come 'someday'. Low and behold a few days later they f
ound it on the tarmac in Chicago and flew it here. I've never seen someone so happy to have the necessities!

We spent the week playing cards, laughing at old stories, shopping, getting pampered at the spa and watching movies. One night the movie was Julia and Julia. At 10:30pm at night we stopped the movie ran to the local Barns and Noble to get the Julia Child cookbook, then rushed home to finish our movie and plan a meal. The next day we made her famous Beef Stew. The prep time was long, the steps were long, the process dirtied every dish in the kitchen and we LOVED it! This beef stew is absolutly amazing. It's definely worth all the hype, prep, process and clean up! To top it all off Traci taught me how to make bread.

What a week I tell you, what a week! I miss her already!

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