Monday, January 18, 2010

Cole, the Nanny Dog

I was sitting for my friends baby this week and I was a little over my head. I haven't sat for a 15 month old in quite a while and had forgotten how much energy they possess.

Well, Cole stepped up to the plate and was my right hand. Little baby 'Will' would run off to get into something and Cole would follow on his heals. When Will took a liking to something he shouldn't Cole would let out a cautionary whimper and I'd come running. Once Will had found the dog-water and proceeded to paint the cupboards with it all while STANDING in the water. YUM! Once he scooted into the laundry room and was trying to climb up the cupboards, again Cole sounded the alarm.

My friend Ali says I need to adopt another one like she did, but I told her the only thing I'll be adopting is perhaps another pet. No more babies for the Noffze household. I love their cute little faces, their energetic little bodies, and their pure hearts, but alas, I'm no young pup anymore.

So for all of you who are still birthing at my age, more power to you. Cole and I will sit for them anytime and I'll smile joyfully as I hand them back at the end of the night and put my tired body to sleep.

You go girls!

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