Monday, March 24, 2008

Leftover Ham & Potatoes Au Gratin

Leftover Ham & Potatoes Au Gratin

1 1/2 c. diced cooked ham

3 c. diced cooked potato

4 tbsp butter or margarine

1 med. chopped onion

3 tbsp flour

2 c. milk

Salt & pepper to taste

1/ 2 c. grated sharp Cheddar Cheese (or more to taste)

Layer the ham and potatoes in shallow 1 1/2 quart baking dish. Melt the butter in sauce pan. Add onion and cook till golden. Blend in flour; add milk gradually and cook, stirring constantly till thickened. Season with salt & pepper. Pour over ham/potato mix and sprinkle with cheese. Dot with remaining butter. Bake at 400° for 20-25 min. Serves 4 generously.

Monday, March 10, 2008

If you could be a Superhero...

A girlfriend sent this to me:

If you could be any superhero whom would you choose to be?


Ok, way cute figure with red hair and killer thighs AND she’s got unlimited ‘trouble radar’ and a band of merry teenage helpers to do all the techno stuff.

What’s your special Superpower?

Knowing when her family and friends are in over their head and being able to dig them out, day or night.

I tag, Britt, Jean, Natalie, Dene, Rachel, Erika & Jen to reveal their alter super-heros!

Mom Moments

So we are at a dinner party last night and my son Brandon comes running up to me, grabs my hand and pulls me over tward a print on the wall.

He says to me: Mom, MOM they have Vincent Van gough's Starry Starry Night.
It's THE Starry, Starry NIGHT!

In short order he lets go of my hand and goes over to the painting.
He sat there studying it forever.

Like a fly on the wall, I sat back and watched Brandon get engrossed in this fascinating piece of art. I watched as his eyes followed the colorful swirling wind and his finger traced the brushstrokes.

1. He's 10
2. I taught him about the artists Vincent Van gough last year when we went to the art museum in Florida, AND HE REMEMBERED. Way cool Mom moment!
3. He knew the name of the painting and recognized it on sight.
4. He studied it, he actually took time out of the dozen children running around him and STUDIED the painting.
5. He told the hostess how much he enjoyed her painting.
6. Again, he's LIKE 10!


Lest the wonder and awe go on too long over this ponderance, as soon as the words
"X-Box 360 in the basement" were picked up by his game-radar bat ears....he was off in a dash to play with all the other children!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dene's Tortilla Soup

This soup is the BEST comfort food. Yummy. I have to warn you that it makes a lot, but it is great to freeze and eat later or share with friends.


 6 TBS. oil (I used olive oil)

4 chicken breasts (grill or cook in crock pot and diced)

3 corn on the cob grilled (or 1.5 cans)

8 corn tortillas cut into small pieces

14.5 cups (yes, cups NOT oz.) chicken broth

6 crushed garlic cloves

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper

2 TBS. cumin

1 TBS. chili powder

1 medium onion diced

1 cup chopped cilantro

4- cans (14.5 oz.) diced tomatoes

3 bay leaves

 Sauté onion, cilantro, tortilla and garlic (in a little oil) for about 3 minutes. Add tomatoes and seasonings. Then add everything else. I like to let it simmer for a while so that all the flavors mix and the tortillas dissolve in the soup.  

Serve with chips, cheese, sour cream and avocado on top! Superb.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Herb-Crusted Pork Roast

Herb-Crusted Pork Roast
Serves 4-6

1 Boneless center-cut pork loin roast, 2-3lbs
1 C breadcrumbs
½ C Parmesan cheese, grated or shredded
1 medium shallot, minced (abt 3tbs)
4 TBS, plus 2TBS Olive oil
Fresh ground black pepper
1/3 C packed fresh basil leaves
2 TBS minced fresh thyme leaves
1 Tsp minced fresh rosemary leaves or ½ teaspoon dried
1 ½ tsp minced garlic (1 lg clove)

1. Lightly Score top of pork loin making ¼-1/2 –inch crosshatch pattern. Cut pocket into porkloin middle for stuffing.
2. Meanwhile, adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven to 325 Degrees.
3. Combine breadcrumbs, 2TBS parmesan, shallot, 1 TBS olive oil, 1/8 tsp Salt, 1/8 tsp pepper. Using fork toss mixture until crumbs are evenly coated with oil.
4. In food processor, add basil leaves, thyme leaves, rosemary leaves, garlic, 6TBS parmesan cheese, 3 TBS olive oil, 1/8 tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper. Process until smooth (about 12 seconds).
5. Heat 2 TBS olive oil in skillet on med-high heat. Sear all sides of pork roast caramelizing outside with a brown crust. Transfer to plate and allow cooling for 5 minutes.
6. Open pork loin and fill with ¾ of herb mixture and ¼ bread crumb mixture.
7. Spread remaining herb mixture into the cross-hatched top of the pork loin and finish with the rest of the bread crumb mixture.
8. Cover a baking sheet with foil. With another piece of foil make a ‘grate’ or raised drip surface by crumpling up the same amount of aluminum foil and placing the pork tenderloin on top.
9. Insert meat thermometer into the thickest portion of the meat and bake 40-70 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 145 Degrees.
10. Remove pork loin from oven and let rest on rack for 8-10 minutes until internal thermometer reaches 150 degrees (it will continue to rise in temperature out of the oven). Slice into 2 inch cross sections and serve immediately.

Side Suggestions:
Rice, Steamed Vegetables

Where do you come up with them?

Several people in the last week have asked me, "Where do you come up with all the ideas for your jewelry?"


When I meet someone new, or I'm inspired by something my creativity turns it into a piece of jewelry.  Yeah, it's ODD, but it's an artist mind at work.

For instance, I was window shopping at a mall downtown the other day while Michael was getting fitted for his suit.  This is the window display I was captivated by at Counterpointe. 
 I must have sat there for a good 20 minutes studying how the colors were proportioned, how the different hues played off each other, what gemstones that color palette would entail.  (I told you I was ODD!)  I grabbed the camera from my purse and took a picture so I could study it some more when I got home.  

Then I saw this piece of artwork:
That was it, I started pulling gemstones and playing with different design options until "Window Shopping" was created.  Baubley, Beautiful, and inspired by everyday objects in my every day life.  Nothing really miraculous, it just kind of happens.

Another example:
We are selling our house and I was kicked out in the middle of doing laundry so that someone could come by.  No biggie, but I had NO MAKE UP or civilized clothing on to be seen out in public.  What do I a girlfriend of course!  Erika welcomed me with open arms and much to my surprise when I stopped over she was watching a little baby girl for another friend of hers.  Grace.

Baby girls are so CUTE!  So, I get back home in my 'homely' clothes and bare naked face, I sit down and create, this piece.  I named it "Gracie".  See, not rocket science!

Finally, I saw theese pieces of art from different artists.   They were vintage feeling, yet progressive, fresh colors and very unique!

Again, I couldn't resist.  I wave of creativity washed over me like a river and out of that inspiration came, "Just like ME!".

So for all you wonderer's out there, that's it!  I'm inspired, I imagine it in my heart, and I create!
There is just a little artist in all of us....what inspires YOU? :)