Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas Tree DE-Light

Thought all of you might appreciate this...
I got out my huge pre-lit 3 year old Christmas Tree today to dress it all up for the season. Just about every other branch wouldn't light. I changed fuses, bulbs, cords and fiddled for hours on the internet trying to discover what ailed my poor tree... spotted fever?

Well, I came to the conclusion that some of the light strands had overheated and melted the wiring so I checked the warranty. No luck, it was out of date.

In order to save Christmas I went to the Tree....scrap the lights.

The De-Lighting commenced at about 4pm.

My two boys and one of their friends worked on the tree for 4 hours with me. They are saints!
I don't think I can touch it for a few days now...I'm still to mad at it for puking out on me! It's only 3!

In between changing heavy metal music, pizza bites, and clipping the lights off our tree
with a side cutter, Brandon had some hilarious commentary during the procedure:

"I hate pre-lit Christmas trees....mine don't work and now i have to rip all the lights off of it and they are KNOTTED INto the tree so.......BBBRRRUGH!"

"Never buy Christmas trees from countries that don't celebrate Christmas. (especially CHINA!)"

"I'm pretty sure this is child abuse. They are going to ask me if I'm EMO when i get to school, my arms look whacked!"

"Is this a communist plot to terrorize Americans via CHRISTMAS trees? Eventually the pre-lit tree trend HAS to go!"

"Finally done DE-lighting my retarded tree.....4 hours later!"

Yeah, he was a little hot under the collar by the time we were done, but all for a good cause. We get to have a tree!.. ( And I promised him $20 for he and his friend to spend on football cards tomorrow. I'm not THAT mean of a MOM!) Ha

My friend and her Famiy had to do the SAME THING today. She called it her "man-eating tree" when she looked down at her family's hands and they were all scratched and scraped to bits.

Now if this happens to you, you'll know what to do, wear gloves!

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