Saturday, August 8, 2009

College for my Kids!

Brandon and Tyler had FUN while I was gone in Seattle. They went to a program at Moorhead State University called, “College for Kids.” Tyler was enrolled in Young Rembrants and learned all about the styles of different artists through the ages from surrealist Salvador Dalí, to pointillist Georges Seura.

He marveled at the different styles and made sculptures, paintings, and shadow boxes depicting the different art. SO inspired he came home and made this mural on our driveway that lasted over a week! Wow what fun to see his little mind on overdrive!

Brandon was enrolled in “Young Architects” where they studied the architecture of the Moorhead campus in detail. They learned terminology, how to recreate angles, and made a 3-d replica of the entire college! Brandon's building had high pitched roofs and he did an AMAZING job recreating every intricate detail! Hmm, analytical thinker, definitely...but he can translate that into 3-D images in his head. SO far beyond even my comprehension!

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