Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wet and Wonderful

Tyler came dashing in the house today from school and said, "Can I go out and play in the snow?"

Mom: Um, it's RAINING Tyler

Tyler: Can I please, Can I, Can I, P-L-E-A-S-E?

Mom: (deep breath in and sigh) OK, but only if you HANG everything up when you get in. You're going to get pretty wet.

Tyler: OH, Mom, I WILL! (as he dashes out the door with Cole bounding behind him)

An hour later....

Mom comes home from errands and notices the landing full of sopping wet clothes and right next to them is the kids camera.

First I put all the clothes in the dryer, next I head to the computer to see what the wet camera reveals.

Who could be MAD after these sweet pictures emerge! :) They are only young once and I'm glad they are!

That's Tyler's favorite hat on top
sticks from the yard for a nose, arms, and of course a smile
mud from the construction site next door for buttons
rocks from the river for eyes
and lots of really melty snow

I really do love being a MOM!

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