Monday, December 15, 2008

Photos' from the Blizzard of 2008

The poor Neighbors as soon as they would get themselves dug out, the plow would come by and bury them again!

This guy, TIM was almost done, and the plow dumped another 2 feet of snow on the end of his driveway. OUCH!

This is what TIM had to clear earlier, just to get his car out. It was about 1/2 way up the car!
This is our front door from the inside. You can see the snow sticking to the windows and covering the trees on the porch.
This was yesterday's view of the neighbor's houses through the blizzarding snow.

An insurance agent came to the front door today and was wondering how to get to the door bell, and also how to traverse the 4 1/2 foot drift in front of the front door. I ushered him through the garage. There was no way that I was going to get the door open with all that snow!

We just stayed inside yesterday, playing board games, wii, wrapping presents, doing laundry, cooking and laughing together. It was kind of fun to be stuck in the house for a day along with the whole city!

This morning our driveway plowers came and cleared a path and he'll be coming by later today to clean up after the plow, do the sidewalks, and remove that huge mound from in front of the door. Gotta love them!

The kids are off of school this morning as the whole city gets cleaned up after the blizzard. They are ecstatic about having a snow day, but a little disappointed that they can't go sledding in all this new white powder. It's only -35 below zero! So MEAN MOM said, NO to the toboggan today. Later this week when it warm's up to around the zero mark, they can go sledding. Until then they will just have to be content in the house! Next year I'm going to have to invest in 'sub-zero-gear' so that they can play outside on days like this!

The locals say that this is a 'once every 10 years' event.  We'll be here to see if that's right!


  1. oooooh GRRRL, you best move out of Minnesota then, it's headed your way! :)

  2. I just showed these pictures to Kevin he said "that is the kind of winter I am used to!" I am now going to stop complaining about the snow we got here in Southern MN:)
    AND I am so glad we're not going up north for Christmas! Of course, End of January probably won't be much different.
    Michelle, I love your positive outlook on everything!

  3. I LOVE the snow! I got a book on snowflakes once and it depicted snowflakes under a microscope. They are beautiful! The intricate crystals are just amazing! Some people may be put off by having to halt their lives due to the snow, but I look at as Gods way of getting us to slow down and breathe. Get to know your family members again, talk, laugh, enjoy each other. There isn't anything you can do about it! So that's my 2 cents of pontification on the whole snow thing, but truly I couldn't live where there WASN'T any of God's little Picasso's falling to the ground. Winter just wouldn't be the same!
