Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween Yall!

Tyler's 3rd Grade Teacher's Husband came in today to paint the kids faces for their holiday party. He did such an AWESOME job. My teachers were SO NOT that cool when I was a kid!

Kids say the oddest things!
Tyler introduced me to Achilles today at school during the Holiday Party (pictured above). The child has a noticeably bald head except for a few hairs growing out of the top. After school I ask Tyler if the child in his class has cancer. He said, "well he's got some kind of disease, he's from Greece and his name is Achilles, and he told us the first day of school, but I don't remember."

While we are out trick or treating Tyler saw Achilles and RUNS up to him screaming the kids name. Achilles stops and greets Tyler then Tyler asks him, very loudly. "Achilles, My Mom wants to know if you have Cancer or Leukemia or something." Achilles, very matter-of-factly turns to me (a little way down the street) and shouts. "I'm not sure what kind of disease it is, but it's NOT cancer. You can ask my MOM, she's right there, she'll tell you WHAT the thing is!"
I wanted to crawl in a hole! Luckily his Mother was deep in conversation with a friend and was oblivious to the whole scene. Achilles just went on trick or treating with Tyler like noting happened....What can I say? That's my Ty, Cancer, Blue, Purple,'s all the same in his world. Achilles is just his friend. Gotta love him!

Brandon went as Justin Timberlake for Halloween and attended his FIRST REAL party with girls and boys. He danced, trick or treated, laughed, and goofed with the guys around the fire pit. When I picked him up he was SUPER tired, hungry, giggly with all kinds of info on the party AND his FEET HURT from wearing his church shoes all night. I said 'Welcome to the BIG TIME kid!'
It was hilarious to hear him describe the party and most of all THIS explanation:

B... Mom
M...    Yeah
B...    I think I got popularity 'points' tonight.
M...    What are poplularity points?
B...    Ya know, if your the quarterback on the football team, you got like a million popularity points, if your only the kicker it goes WAY d-o-w-n.
M...    Oh, so how did you get popularity points tonight?
B...       Well, I was invited to a party by a guy from the football team.
That's like a point right?
Then there were girls there, that's gotta be worth at least a few points.
M...    Ok, I think I'm getting it.
B...    Then we had a dance off. I did ok, but not REALLY well.
M...    So what does that do to the score?
B...    NOTHING! I HOPE ....I didn't loose any!
M...    Laugh!

My son is now entering what's know as the 'tween' years. It's like the twilight zone of child hood where everything that goes on in their heads has to be put through the filter of reality to be understood.

I'm lovin' every mom-ent!!

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