Saturday, May 24, 2008


Today was a BIG day for Cole.  After our Classroom Therapy Dog training lesson we went on a field trip to practice "careful".  Hmmm, not even my children have THIS one down!

First we went through an obstacle course set up at the church.  There were 1/2 dozen padded chairs with 1-2 feet GLASS vases placed on them.  If the dog even touched the padded chair, the vase would fall off balance and break on the ceramic floor.


Allison the instructor had us use our body language (tiny dainty slow steps) and our voice, c--a---r---e---f---u---l to coax the dog to synchronize with us and pick up on what we wanted them to do.  She also said for us to dispel our fears that something would happen and just picture what we DID want to happen.  

Ya know what, a clumsy 8 month old puppy Cole and a 3 year old HUGE Belgian did just fine and had NO problems with the course.  Miracle I say!

Next it was on to Ashley Furniture store to practice 'say hello' (shake), 'leave it', and more 'careful's.   The employees loved the diversion to a slow day, and the dogs got great practice weaving in and out of furniture placements, glass vases, rocking chairs, and SO many other breakables!  Several customers watched us intently as we worked with the dogs, and we just explained what we were doing and what the dogs would be used for in the future.  It was fun to hear positive feedback to our adventure!

Next was Hobby Lobby.  We got very odd looks as we weaved in and out of the china and breakables.  Each dog took his turn and did remarkably! Several customers looked and stared, some even stopped to ask if they could pet the dogs. We took a break from 'weaving' and the dogs ate up all the attention. 

Lastly we wondered down to the UPS store.  There was a little 2 year old boy with his Dad in the store.  Cole LOVES little kids and came up and just sat while he was petted,  leaning just slightly into the boy so that the little boy could wrap his arms around him.  After the boy gave him a parting bye bye we pulled back and did a little show for him.  It was just hilarious to watch the delight in the little boys face as Cole did his 'highfives', 'shakes', and 'twirls'.  
Finally it was time, and we did one final trick, "wave bye bye".  The little boy squealed in delight and for the first time I actually GOT what it meant to be a therapy dog team. 

We've been training for weeks in our little classroom with a few visitors, but very little people-interaction.  Today was the first day we actively practiced their people skills in a formal setting.  Now don't get me wrong, every visitor to our house gets a highfive and a doggie handshake with a little petting mixed in for good measure, but to see complete strangers light up at the sight of a therapy dog was something all-together different.

I simply can't wait to begin our therapy dog visits to the nursing homes and hospitals.  After today I have no doubt that Cole will bring much joy to many new people!  He's already such a joy for us, and I am delighted to share that joy with others!

Stay tuned, I hope to get some video of him in action.  
He looks so CUTE in his formal 'working dog' vest!  

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