Monday, March 3, 2008

Where do you come up with them?

Several people in the last week have asked me, "Where do you come up with all the ideas for your jewelry?"


When I meet someone new, or I'm inspired by something my creativity turns it into a piece of jewelry.  Yeah, it's ODD, but it's an artist mind at work.

For instance, I was window shopping at a mall downtown the other day while Michael was getting fitted for his suit.  This is the window display I was captivated by at Counterpointe. 
 I must have sat there for a good 20 minutes studying how the colors were proportioned, how the different hues played off each other, what gemstones that color palette would entail.  (I told you I was ODD!)  I grabbed the camera from my purse and took a picture so I could study it some more when I got home.  

Then I saw this piece of artwork:
That was it, I started pulling gemstones and playing with different design options until "Window Shopping" was created.  Baubley, Beautiful, and inspired by everyday objects in my every day life.  Nothing really miraculous, it just kind of happens.

Another example:
We are selling our house and I was kicked out in the middle of doing laundry so that someone could come by.  No biggie, but I had NO MAKE UP or civilized clothing on to be seen out in public.  What do I a girlfriend of course!  Erika welcomed me with open arms and much to my surprise when I stopped over she was watching a little baby girl for another friend of hers.  Grace.

Baby girls are so CUTE!  So, I get back home in my 'homely' clothes and bare naked face, I sit down and create, this piece.  I named it "Gracie".  See, not rocket science!

Finally, I saw theese pieces of art from different artists.   They were vintage feeling, yet progressive, fresh colors and very unique!

Again, I couldn't resist.  I wave of creativity washed over me like a river and out of that inspiration came, "Just like ME!".

So for all you wonderer's out there, that's it!  I'm inspired, I imagine it in my heart, and I create!
There is just a little artist in all of us....what inspires YOU? :)

1 comment:

  1. not rocket science? Michelle don't down play how incredibly talented you are. You have such an eye for colors, textures etc. I don't even notice those things and most people don't. That is why you are so successful! I love it!
