Friday, February 22, 2008

The Table of Contention

Tyler made me laugh the other day after school.
He’s working away at his homework and every time he went to answer a question and put his pencil to paper the table would go, “Clunk, Clunk” as it rocked back and forth on two legs. (we recently took the leaf out which stabilized the table).

So after about the 5th time of the table rocking back and forth he gets up with a big “URG” and grabs two WADS of paper towel. He then proceeds to lift the table with his back and shove the paper towel under both legs in turn. All satisfied with his fix he wipes his hands together with a big smile on his face and sits back down to finish his homework. The moment he put his elbows on the table you could hear a soft, “bump, bump” and he says, “Well at least it’s quiet enough to get my homework done NOW!”
I laughed so hard my side nearly split!

When we were little we had an antique kitchen table with so many ‘isms’ that they were too numerous to count. One ism was the fact that every time you touched the table it rocked back and forth like an old annoying restaurant table. My father made us eat with our elbows off the table to avoid any of the rocking and my Mother tried not to fix anything for dinner that required a steak knife. Just think if of it, 5 people with steak knives pushing down on the table at different times. It was like eating on a seesaw!

So when my dear son came up with his wad of paper towel I just laughed at my own childhood and wished I had his bravery and ingenuity. I might have learned how to use a steak knife before the age of 15 if I HAD!

Go Tyler!


  1. Priceless! It's wonderful to write these moments down! You have amazing boys.

  2. Everyday IS a new adventure, and I continually find wonder in how they think. :)
