Saturday, January 26, 2008

Snow Day

In and amongst all the career news Friday the kids were home for a teacher work-day so I decided to take them sledding. We had fun trying to sled in the fresh 3 inches of powder that fell yesterday.  With a little scooting and a little path-making we managed to get through the powder and pick up speed enough to sled down the hill.  It was a balmy 20 degrees and we felt like we were in heaven all snugly and warm in our winter gear.  It's times like these that I treasure because I know that in a few short years it won't be 'cool' to be seen with Mom, let alone enjoy sledding with her.  I soaked up every moment and even took a few spins myself.  What a fun time!


  1. GO MICHELLE YOU COOL MOM! I haven't been sledding since I was a kid. I so need to with the boys, or at least Thomas

  2. You should GO! It's so much fun and you DO feel like a kid again!
