Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Mom's been peeking:

I woke up the other day to find my two boys deeply entrenched in their passions.
We have definitely moved on from cars and trucks to a whole new plane.

First I came into the kitchen where my son Brandon was pouring over this HUGE pile of building and architecture books.

Some of them were books that he owns, and another portion were from the library. With titles like, “Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture, Structures- or why things don’t fall down, and 50 buildings to draw” I definitely knew something was up!

Also on the table were sketches of bedroom layouts, sofa and chair diagrams, along with open sketchbooks of his continuing masterpiece, “the ultimate dream house”.

In all of my growing-up years I never remember being this focused at the age of 10. It’s like I’m looking at a grown man in a little boys’ body. He has a fire within him like I have only seen one other time in my life. That was the fire within my second son.

After marveling at Brandon, I look over to the living room and sprawled out on the floor with his new art set is my 8 year old son, Tyler. I said, “ What’cha doing Tyler.” He replied, “Organizing.”

I then notice that he has taken all of his acrylic paint tubes out of their holders and was arranging them by color, hue, and intensity. I just laughed, a big belly laugh.

Tyler looked up at me in confusion, with his head cocked to one side. “What are you laughing at Mom?” “I’m laughing because God has given me two miracles in the form of sons.” Tyler just cocked his head again, and went, “hugh?”, Brandon meanwhile just chuckles in the kitchen. I reach over and hug each of my children and thank God for the wonderful, and sometimes unbelievable, blessing in these two little boys. I definitely see God’s Glory revealed through these two creations!

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