Thursday, December 13, 2007

In HIS time...

Crying and sniffles...
Brandon enters the room...

Brandon, "Tyler had a nightmare."
Mom, "Send him in."
Brandon, "Ok, goodnight."

Tyler enters crying...

Mom, "What was your dream about Tyler?"
Tyler sniffling, "I don't want to tell you, it's too embarrassing."
Mom, "I can't help unless I know what it is."
Tyler, "um.....Scary monster socks with giant teeth were chasing me."
Mom, "Socks?"
Tyler still sniffling, "I told you it was embarrassing!"
Mom, "What should we do about it?"
Tyler, "I don't know, it was SOCKS!"
Mom, "How about you pray to God to take away the fear in your heart and help you fall back asleep."
Tyler, "ok"

Tyler returns back into his bed and makes his brother get out of bed to shut off the light...

The next morning...

Mom, "Tyler, how did your night go?"
Tyler, "It was ok after I talked to God, but He didn't work right away."
Mom, "oh?"
Tyler, "Yeah, it took like a whole hour for Him to take away the socks."
Mom - stifling a belly laugh, "Maybe God just wanted to chat with you a while before He let you go back to sleep."
Tyler, "Yeah, that could be it, but I sure wish He would HURRY next time!"

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