Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of School and can you guess..........

Can you guess which Noffze Boy said what about the first day of school?

"I like my new classroom, but only have one friend from last year.  He IS my best friend though so it's OK."

"My teacher rides a Motor-Cycle, she said she has THREE.  I hope she wears a helmet."

"I'm going to DiE if it's that hot in school tomorrow, I drank like a million gallons of water today."

"Everyone wanted me for my peanuts today."

"Can I wear a collared shirt Mom, just so I can look cool for the first day of school."

"I checked out the girls Mom, and there are just too MANY in my class this year."

"My teacher's husband is a lawyer Mom, but I didn't tell her that you and Dad said I can't grow up to be one."

The Noffze house was FULL to the brim with chatter today after the boys got home from school.  On the whole, it was a great first day back after a very full summer of activities.  It appears that the boys are settling in well to their new classrooms, and I'm really excited to see what they will learn this year.

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